My plan for the week 14-20 jun 2004 was this :
* Create a model newsletter
Status: A newsletter titled “NLP Reloaded” has been designed and submitted to Ash & Neels for review. Both have appreciated. A detailed discussion has to be done with Ashlesh.
* Compile all the participants list Status: No progress. I will continue with the existing list.
* Compile PP2 Postings Status: 75% completed. Lisa Thompson has written two versions of her PP2 practises. Also, it takes some time to format. I would say actually 90% is completed. I will complete today and mail to Ash & Neels. Ash will decide when to start praticising on PP2 exercises.
* Derive action items from Tony's books. Status: This is a vague statement. I later decided that I would create a mailing list to share with Go-getters group my learnings from Unlimited Power and Awaken the Giant Within.
Others•I am participating Neels’ drive on “Ten Day Mental Challenge”. Today is the fourth day.
• Received Structure of Magic Vol 1 and 2.
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